August 12, 2025 Meeting
*** RSVP for this meeting by 5pm on Thursday, August 7. No walk-ins are permitted. ***
Date: Tuesday, August 12, 7-9am
Location: The Vista at Applewood Golf Course – 14001 W 32nd Ave. Golden, CO 80401
Cost: $20 for WRBA Members and their guests, $25 for Non-members (*Please see below) How to register as a guest >>
Topic: TBA
Speaker: TBA
President’s Circle Member Business Spotlight: TBA
Patron Member Business Spotlights: TBA
*IMPORTANT PLEASE READ – About our Monthly Meeting
- Our monthly meeting tickets are:
Member – $20 per person (member and member paying for their guests. Must be logged in to their member account)
Non-member – $25 per person (guests visiting the second time and returning past members) - Punch card is $100 for 5 punches. (Available for members only. Credit is loaded into your member account)
- Annual meal package is $225 for the whole year (10 meetings @$20/ea plus 1 holiday luncheon @$25/ea. We will still RSVP for you automatically and if you can’t make it, you are encouraged to send in someone else in your place. This is a use-it-or-lose-it program with your convenience in mind).
- The WRBA will cover the first meeting for prospective members. (Need a completed guest card), Second time visitor is $25
Additional persons attending from the member business or guests of a member, if registered by the member logged in to their account, is $20/ea. - Each meeting ticket includes hot breakfast, but not eating the breakfast WILL NOT excuse you from needing a ticket as we submit the headcount to the venue and pay for it. Please consider the ticket price as cost for the great networking opportunity and information you will receive. No-shows will be invoiced, unless notified BEFORE the RSVP is closed.